The ZOO is open every day, every Sunday and every holiday from 9:00 a.m.
Welcome to Warsaw
Zoological Garden
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Rosa – female, born in 18.08.2011 in Rotterdam ZOO, Kingdom of the Netherlands

Pablo – male, born in 17.12.2010 in Wrocław ZOO, Poland


Did you know, that…


our otters love swimming like kids like candies? If you can’t find them in the pool, they are certainly in the sleepingroom, which is hided behind the rocks. Fish, eggs and small vertebrates are the favourite food of our otters. They eat two times a day. Rosa and Pablo seem to be a very contactable animals, but please, don’t try to pet them, beacause they can severely bite you. Our couple is proud of many offsprings who travelled to other European ZOOs.