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Pelagia – female, born in 19.09.1985 in ZOO Wroclaw, Poland

Hugo – male, born in 29.05.2007 in ZOO Ostrava, Czechy


Did you know, that...

it is very easy to recognize Pelagia by the pink spot above the left eye? She was born in Poland, but she traveled to France and lived in Paris ZOO for several years. Than she moved to Germany to Hanover ZOO and finally travelled to Warsaw ZOO. Her first name, after born, was Isaura. It was a name of character from the most popular series in the 80’s. In Hanover keepers changed her name, so she returned to Poland, in 2011, as Pelagia. Her partner, named Hugo, is 22 years younger. Our couple had never any chance to became parents, however Pelagia gave birth to 7 calves, in the past.